The giant panda has a parasitic relationship with "Baylisascaris schroederi" a roundworm that has been responsible for 50% of all giant panda deaths.The worm affects the livers, lungs, hearts and brains of the animals that died. This parasite is spread when the pandas walk through Waste with roundworm eggs and when they lick their paws after touching infected materials.
The Giant Panda has many adaptations that helps it survive in the conditions that it lives in. Most of these adaptations are because of the Bamboo that the Panda eats to survive.
Giant Pandas are in the family Ursidae, which is the bear family.
How do they survive by eating this. Pandas are one of the world’s most fascinating vegetarians. Their digestive systems evolved to process meat, yet they eat nothing but bamboo—all day, every day.