Franz Boas (1858-1942): a German-American physicist turned geologist turned anthropologist
Lasting Influence
- Committed to demonstrating the power of culture over biology to explain variations in human behavior
- Efforts to end racism and ethnocentrism
- Distinguished between professional and amateur anthropology
- Students: Robert Lowie, A. L. Kroeber, Ruth Benedict, Margaret Mead, Zora Neale Hurston, Edward Sapir
Ruth Benedict (1887-1948): an American anthropologist and folklorist
Work and Influence
- Patterns of Culture, 1934
- Cultural relativism: Morality is relative to the values of the culture in which one operated
Margaret Mead (1901-1978): an American cultural anthropologist and public speaker
Work and Influence
- Conducted fieldwork in Samoa in the 1920s
- Coming of Age in Samoa, 1928
- Asserted that culture, not race, shapes personality so children grow up exhibiting the personality traits their culture rewards
- Was criticized 5 years after her death by anthropologist Derek Freeman