For this assignment, we tested a number of Helicopters to see which one was the best.
Number of designs tested: we created 5 different types of paper airplanes, each one different.
Data from test:
Helicopter 1: length of rotor: 2.5 in
# of spins: 5
Time to ground: 1.266
Helicopter 2: length of rotor 3 in
# of spins: 5
Time to ground: 1.194
Helicopter: 3
# of spins 5
Time to ground: 1.237
Helicopter 4 length of rotor 4in
# spins: 5
Time to ground: 1.314
Helicopter 5: length of rotor 4.5
# spins 5
Time to ground: 1.504
Best helicopter: we have concluded that helicopter 5 is the best helicopter out of the rest.
Explanation of best helicopter data: we have come to this conclusion because this helicopter stayed in the air longer then the other helicopters.
Observations from best helicopter: we observed that this helicopter stayed in the air the longest because it had the longed rotor length span.