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Parables of Jesus Christ

Published on Jan 02, 2016

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Parables of Jesus Christ

The Parable of the Mustard Seed
Photo by mr.donb

Scriptures on the Parable

  • Matthew 13:31-32
  • Mark 4:30-32
  • Luke 13:18-19
Photo by l e o j

Setting of the Parable

  • Matthew/Mark - still by the seaside
  • Jesus sitting in the boat
  • Multitude on the seashore
  • Luke 13:10 - Sabbath day in the synagogue
  • Jesus would have repeated the parables
Photo by quinn.anya

Moral of the Parable

  • Kingdom of heaven
  • Small beginning
  • Unnatural growth
  • Attracts all sorts of birds(people)
  • There are other subservient truths
Photo by WordRidden

Parables 3 and 4

  • Reveal the development of the Kingdom
  • Mustard seed speaks of external growth
  • Leaven speaks of internal growth
  • These both work together into what is today
Photo by photosbyflick

Exposition of the Parable

  • Uninterpreted by Jesus
  • Some think we can't interpret it
  • Jesus already gave us keys
  • Principles and keys of interpretation
  • A moral principle

Jesus gave to His disciples(and to us) enough interpretive clues in the interpretation of the first two parables in Matthew 13.

Photo by ell brown

How do we interpret it?

  • Use the Word to interpret the Word
  • Comparative Mention Principle
  • Compare Spiritual with Spiritual
  • Scripture with Scripture 1 Cor 2:13
  • Human mind can't understand it 1 Cor 2:14
Photo by saturn ♄

How do we interpret it?

  • Interpret the symbols
  • Romans 2:20; 1 Cor 10:1-11
  • What's the major truth?
  • Parable is short
  • See the parts, the whole becomes evident
Photo by brianc

The Kingdom of Heaven

  • "the kingdom of Heaven is like..."
  • resembles, corresponds to, represents
  • 6 of the 8 parables start like this
  • Mark - "a comparison" Mark 4:30

A grain of mustard seed

  • Mentioned in each of the Synoptics
  • First 3 parables are "seed parables"
  • 1st parable - seed is the word
  • 2nd parable - 2 seeds(children of kingdoms)
  • 3rd parable - grain of mustard seed, to a tree

A grain of mustard seed

  • Everything comes from the seed
  • Genesis 1:11-12
  • Seed in parable is Black mustard
  • Smallest of all "garden" seeds
  • Proverbially denotes anything minute
Photo by Will Humes

A grain of mustard seed

  • Birds lodging in the branches
  • Came for the seed
  • Some mustard plants in rich soil
  • As tall as a horse and rider(10'-12')
  • Can grow taller if cultivated well

A grain of mustard seed

  • Mustards are annuals
  • Annuals mature and die in 1 year
  • Bible talks of seasons
  • Mustard reproduce with extraordinary swiftness
Photo by John-Morgan

The seed of the kingdom

  • Developed over these parables
  • Sower and Seed - word of the kingdom
  • Wheat and tares - Children of the kingdom
  • Mustard seed - The kingdom of heaven presently
Photo by Theen ...

Mustard seed

  • Referenced in 5 verses in NT
  • 3 of those are this parable
  • 2 are in reference to faith
  • Matthew 17:20
  • Luke 17:6
Photo by quinn.anya

The Man, The Sower

  • As in previous parables
  • Points to The Son of Man
  • Matthew 13:37
  • John 12:24 - to bring forth more fruit
  • Matthew 13:31 mustard seed - kingdom 

The Field

  • "field" used 7 times in Matthew 13
  • Vs 24, 27, 31, 36, 38, 44
  • It's His field
  • Mark 4:31 - the earth
  • Luke 13:19 - His garden
Photo by CatDancing

The Least of all Seeds

  • Smallest garden seed
  • Yet can grow greatly
  • Speaks of beginnings
  • Planted by Preaching
  • Luke 16:16
Photo by CIMMYT

Unnatural Growth

  • Mustard generally grows into small bush
  • In this case, unnatural, abnormal growth
  • Matthew 13:32 - becomes a tree

Became a tree

  • Luke 13:19 - "great tree"
  • Small seed to a great tree
  • Trees in scripture - People or kingdoms
  • Mustard seed growth symbolizes
  • Growth of the kingdom of God
Photo by ecstaticist

Became a tree

  • Symbolic of a person
  • Psalm 1:1-3; 52:8; 92:12-14
  • Jeremiah 17:5-8
  • 1st parable in the Bible - Judges 9:8-15
  • The wicked - Psalm 37:35
Photo by ecstaticist

Became a tree

  • Symbolic of a Kingdom
  • Israel a vine - Psalm 80:8
  • Israel a branch - Romans 11:17-21
  • Israel a fig tree - Hosea 9:10; Mat 21:18-19
  • Jesus and believers - John 15:1-6
Photo by ecstaticist

Became a tree

  • Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon
  • Likened to a great tree, cut down, restored
  • Daniel 4
  • Birds of the air lodged in the branches
  • All kingdoms trusted in Babylon
Photo by ecstaticist

Became a tree

  • Mustard seed tree 
  • Represents growth of the kingdom
  • The gospel has spread through the earth
  • "His field"
Photo by ecstaticist

The Birds

  • Consistency would tend towards Mat 13:4
  • Fowls from 1st parable
  • Yet, many verses on fowls
  • Ezekiel 17:23; 31:6; Daniel 2:38; 4:12-14
  • Birds come - enjoy the seed, make nests

The Birds

  • Abraham drove them away - Gen 15:10-11
  • Leviticus 11:13-20 - God defined unclean birds
  • Deuteronomy 14:20 - Distinction given
  • Only clean birds were fit for the altar of sacrifice
  • Babylon habitation of unclean/hateful bird Rev 18:1-2

The Birds

  • Speak of clean and unclean
  • Mixture in the kingdom again!
  • Peter's vision - Acts 10:12
  • Points to Gentiles coming into kingdom

The Birds

  • "Clean birds" - true believers, dove
  • feed on the seed of the Word
  • "Unclean birds" - raven
  • feed on the flesh
  • Could also be Jews and Gentiles

The Branches

  • Birds of the air lodged in them
  • Made nests there
  • Found refuge, protection there
  • Seeds on the branches were food
  • Seeds are strongly aromatic, good food

The Branches

  • Matthew and Luke speak of birds coming
  • Mark says the may come
  • We see the Kingdom of God in the Church
  • We see the development of the church
  • From beginning in Gospels/Acts

The Branches

  • Over centuries phenomenal growth
  • Even to our day
  • We can see "great branches" of Pentecost
  • Tree has many branches/great churches worldwide
  • All sorts are making their nests and feeding there

The Branches

  • Jesus said He was the Vine
  • We(believers) are the branches
  • We draw our life from Him
  • He's the source of our fruitfulness
  • John 15:1-16

The Branches

  • Paul spoke of Gentiles
  • Grafted into the good olive tree
  • They were branches
  • Romans 11

Practical Application

Photo by quinn.anya

Practical Application

  • Kingdom has grown
  • From it's small beginnings as a seed
  • Spread it's branches around the world
  • People are nesting in the tree
  • Both good and bad
Photo by quinn.anya

Practical Application

  • Over the centuries
  • The church has become a great tree
  • Growth has been unnatural, supernatural
Photo by quinn.anya


  • Kingdom of God begins as a seed
  • Phenomenal growth, becomes a great tree
  • Birds(clean and unclean) nest in it
  • Feed on the seed of the church/kingdom
Photo by djwtwo