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Paragraph about two fun facts~Utah

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Two of Utah's fun facts are.......

One of Utah's fun facts are that the Gosiute, Paiute, Shoshone, and Ute Indian tribes lived in Utah. All of these tribes speak similar languages. These tribes are located around Utah, Colorado, Nevada and Idaho. Utah was also named after the Ute tribe but changed a little. These tribes had rock art called petroglyths and you can see them at Utah.

Photo by Thiophene_Guy

The second fun fact about Utah is that the final link of the transcontinental railroad is in Utah.They finished the link in May, 10 1869. The last link is located in Promontory, Utah. The photo in the background shows the engineers and the engine drivers celebrating the last link in the transcontinental railroad.

Few Paragraphs about my two fun facts ABOUT UTAH!!!!!