Parenthood (1989 movie) Assignment
We have run into problems
Course dates have been chaotic
Cosby is traumatizing
Inside Out can no longer be rented
Instead of doing two 20 point assignments, (both Cosby and Inside Out), you are going to do one 20 point assignment, get 20 free points, and choose from 3 options
Assignment Points
- 7=I Love Lucy
- 7=1950s docs notes
- 10=Father Knows Best
- 10=The Andy Griffith Show
- 7=Color Adjustment notes
Assignment Points
- 10=The Help
- 10=All in the Family
- 20=Free points
- 20= Final assignment (choose from three options)
Untitled Slide
- The Cosby Show option
- Inside Out option
- Parenthood (the 1989 movie) option
If you pick the Parenthood option
1 aspect of identity not shown
What is helpful about seeing your identity on the screen?
Character you are the most like and why
Character you are the most unlike and why