Parking lot safety
Whether single or married, all women today find themselves driving in the car alone – late at night, on long trips for business or pleasure, for running errands or just running to pick up the kids.
Being carjacked, abducted, mugged or falling prey to a police impersonator are among the possible dangers that a woman alone may encounter.
According to the International Association of Chiefs of Police, most crimes involving women drivers occur when they are heading to or away from their cars, particularly in parking lots.
Be careful where you park.
• Find a well-lit spot, whether in a garage, parking lot or on the street.
• Avoid spots where few other vehicles are parked.
• Steer clear of vans, especially commercial models that lack glass side panels, where wrongdoers can hide.
• Lock your car, and memorize or jot down its location.
• Pay lots with attendants are less likely to play host to criminals.
• Let the attendant know where you're parked as you return to your car: If you don't come through the pay window shortly, he'll know something's wrong.
Have your keys handy.
• Fumbling for keys in a handbag can give a criminal the extra few seconds he needs to pull off a mugging, abduction or carjacking.
• If your key fob can be programmed to open only the driver-side door, do it.
• Consider attaching a canister of pepper spray to your keychain.
• Make sure the car is locked once you are in.
Pay attention to vehicles near yours.
• As you head back to your vehicle, is someone sitting in another vehicle's passenger side, next to where you'll be getting in?
• Is the vehicle pulling out, or just idling? If it's the latter, back off. This could be trouble.
Know where you're going at all times.
• Have directions handy whenever you're going somewhere new.
• Keep a GPS device in your car if it doesn't have a navigation system. You can find portable navigation systems for less than $200, and some of the least expensive systems are mounted on sports watches. The device will allow you to be tracked and to call in your precise location if you become lost.
Have a plan when trouble arises.
• If confronted by a potential abductor or carjacker while you're in or around your car, drop your packages and run, while making lots of noise. Experts say most criminals will quit right there.
• Avoid at all costs going with the attacker to another location, even if they say you won't be hurt. Once you no longer control the situation, you have few options.
• If you're being followed by another car, head to a police station (call 911 for information on how to get there) or a gas station.
• If you are driving and discover someone hiding in your backseat, slam on your brakes to throw them off balance, put the car in park, take the keys with you and run.
Always let someone know where you're going.
• When going on a long drive, plot your likely course on a map, marked off overnight stops, and leave your itinerary with a relative or friend.
• Check in by telephone at specified times.
• Even for short trips, when driving alone, have a back-up person who can alert police quickly if you fail to return on schedule.
What To Avoid
Avoid parking near trucks, vans, dumpsters, and other objects that obstruct visibility and provide hiding places.
Avoid parking near strangers loitering or sitting in vehicles.
Immediately report suspicious persons, especially if they are nervous in appearance, pulling vehicle door handles, looking in windows or bumping into vehicles (checking for alarms).
Valuables In Your Car
Avoid parking near trucks, vans, dumpsters, and other objects that obstruct visibility and provide hiding places.
Avoid parking near strangers loitering or sitting in vehicles.
Immediately report suspicious persons, especially if they are nervous in appearance, pulling vehicle door handles, looking in windows or bumping into vehicles (checking for alarms).
Locks On Your Vehicles
Replace knob-type door lock buttons on your car doors with tapered ones.
Install an alarm system that will sound when someone attempts to break in, move, tilt, or start your vehicle. Always activate the system when leaving the vehicle.
If you don’t have a security system installed, it is worth the investment
Benefits of Self Defense
-Increased self esteem
-Less likely to become a victim
-Become aware and wise
-More prepared for the unexpected
-More confidence in yourself and surroundings