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Parody Project

Published on Feb 02, 2016

SMS. 7th grade.


Parody Project

Photo by DELLipo™

What is parody?

Parody - a work of art, music, or literature that mimics another work (or types of work - a genre or specific format)

Imitation key part of parody (as opposed to other forms of satire).

Where do you find parody?
- YouTube (music video parodies)
- Colbert Report
- The Onion
- Literature
- Monty Python
- Movies - Robin Hood Men in Tights, Austin Powers

Why doesn't parody violate copyright?

Why isn't creating a parody stealing? After all, you didn't write the music or the original lyrics?

Parodies fall under fair use - this is the same principle that lets your teachers use short parts of books in class or newspapers to quote authors. Fair use means that you can use a limited amount of a copyrighted work without asking permission first.

For parodies, the most important thing is that they transform the original work - not just copy it.
Photo by BusinessSarah

Questions to think about

  • What makes parody funny?
  • How is the parody different from the original?
  • What is the point of parody?



Photo by Will Montague

Visual Parodies

Literary Parodies

Imitate a book, a genre, poem, particular author

Let's talk!
Discuss your thoughts with your table.

Why funny?What's the point? How do original/parody differ?

Familiarity with the original- essential. You won't understand if you don't know the source material.

Parodies - change theme, lyrics (in songs), often exaggerate

Parody can entertain, instruct. As a part of satire, parodies can also critique or mock.

In our case, our parodies should be funny AND educational.
Photo by Helen K


  • 3-4 people: video song parody
  • 1-2 people: song parody
  • Individual: visual or literary parody
ALL options need the original & a 3 sentence summary explaining how you incorporated information about your branch of gov't into the parody
Photo by tomt6788

FOr hw

  • Decide group members
  • Pick branch of gov't
  • Select a song
Photo by Andrea_R