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Almost nobody knows about being a pathological physician.
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pathological physicianry

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Almost nobody knows about being a pathological physician.

Poking peoples intestines after they're dead is a nice way to put it.

Being a pathological physician is kind of like being a forensic scientist, except on a smaller scale.

They hardly meet the patients whom their biopsy (or autopsy ;D) samples belong to, so social skills aren't really needed.

That was your overview.

Now, interesting stuff.

I dream of working in a BSL-4 lab.

And Oli Sykes. Can't forget him.

BSL (Bio Safety Level) is referring to a quarantined room which a bacteria or virus is contained in.

There are four levels, with 1 being where the common cold is at and 4 being where Ebola is held. Level 4 contains agents that are threatening to society, or unknown/highly exotic microbes.

Ebola is a virus that causes internal hemorrhaging out of your main orifices, and there are currently 5 strains, one of which doesn't affect humans, but is fatal in primates. However, another has about an 90-70% fatality when it has had large outbreaks. (Zaire)

Ebola is actually related to another agent that requires BSL-4 containment, being Marburg. Both are classified as highly contagious and threatening to public health on a global scale.

Biosafety Level 4 is required for work with dangerous and exotic agents that pose
a high individual risk of aerosol-transmitted laboratory infections and life-threatening
disease that is frequently fatal, for which there are no vaccines or treatments, or a
related agent with unknown risk of transmission. Agents with a close or identical
antigenic relationship to agents requiring BSL-4 containment must be handled at
this level until sufficient data are obtained either to confirm continued work at this
level, or re-designate the level.
-Center for Disease Control

So, essentially, I'd be handing agents that kill 30-90% of the time, but are really, really messy and unpleasant.

Or stuff that you can inhale, or is transmitted very easily via foamites (touch).

Due to the fact that experience is highly needed in this field, I will likely begin at a level 1 lab, then progress to 4, where I would be handling "hot agents", if I would even get the chance.

Nobody would trust a fresh-out-of-college person with a potential bio-weapon, and for good reasons.

I sincerely hope I bored all of you to death.