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Hi everyone! I want a clear and honest answer. Does fashion make you happy? (yessss)!

Alright! It makes me happy too, a lot. But do we really know who and how companies produce our clothing? (No)

I love it as much as you do but this does not mean that everything should be allowed in the fashion industry.
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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Hi everyone! I want a clear and honest answer. Does fashion make you happy? (yessss)!

Alright! It makes me happy too, a lot. But do we really know who and how companies produce our clothing? (No)

I love it as much as you do but this does not mean that everything should be allowed in the fashion industry.


I don't want to attack anyone in this class but I want to let you all know we have a kind of a very bad person between us.

A person who does think everything is allowed just to look good and to recieve constant "ohhhhhhhhhhh, X, you look great today" or "such a great style you have", "I love your new shoes"


I am going to start to talk about this person. He or she is an ordinary 25 years old, with no car, living in Leeds temporarily in a shared rented house and having a pesceterian diet. Goes to the gym and likes to go out with the friends. Nothing really special on him or her.
Photo by Steve AM


In order to look good to the rest of the world has some stuff in the cupboard, but nothing out of the average. Some T-shirts, no especially lots of branded clohes and no jellwery.

Until now seems a normal person...can he or she be that terrible?
Photo by dansays


But this person has a lot: he or she is a CEO and has a team behind in order to achieve his or her objectives. So, last one, rise your hands if you are a CEO (none)... so, someone is lying here. I deeply look at the stadistics and I know this person is very succesfull running this company.
Photo by Theen ...


Let's go further. Has 40 slaves working to have good clothes, to provide good smells, fancy watches and shoes, stylish bow ties... to help to go at the very last trend and be constantly changing styles and items. Such a successful person and still not showing off. He or she should be proud!


No showing yet? I found one of his or hers employees, a little girl from Uzbekistan working to collect cotton from the very eary morning to the very late night, without going to school. She doesn't know who is her boss because she didn't see him or her. But I know who is....


If you know this person, he is a terrible guy who is using the working force of 40 people spread around the world in order to get dressed and feeling he follows the last trends.

But do you think he is the only one being a CEO of a huge amount of slaves? (NO). We all are part of slavery and we should get councioss that just with our actions this trend can be changed.
Photo by e_monk


Following the stadistics in this class we have around 3800 slaves working for us, 1000 forced children working for us ijnsted of going to school, and around 8% of our children would be forced to work for someone else's fashion once we have them.

We are such a succesful group. We diserve a huge clap and to recieve lots of honours, don't we?
We don't. We will start to clap ourselves when we do something to stop being CEOs and start to be fair people.


Are you going to do something about it? Stoping slavery must be our duty.

Made in a Fair World.