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Published on Dec 17, 2015

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all about pelicans

Pelicans use their bills to capture fish.

Pelicans can die from oil spills.

These animals breed in groups called colonies.

Their body

  • Their wing span can reach up to 10ft!
  • Some pelicans can have 3 gallons of water in their bills.
  • Average life span is 10-25 years or more.
  • The brown pelican can weigh 30lbs.

Pelicans have mating season to produce young.

 This is what newborn pelicans look like...

Pelicans hatch from eggs.

did you know...

That there are over half a dozen of different pelicans out there?

When pelicans catch prey, they wait to stop and swallow it whole.

This is a brown pelican. They are endangered in North America.

Many pelicans nest or feed on South Carolina's beaches.

This is the White American pelican

Pelicans sometimes travel alone or with others. 

I'ts time for... Fun facts!

 White pelicans are classified in the class of "aves"?

I hope you enjoyed my project!

P.S., pelicans beat the heat in summer!