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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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by:  shane zimmerman
Photo by Kitt Foo

what do penguins look like?

  • they have yellow bellys
  • they also have black backs,yellowbeaks
  •  they have wegged shape tails
  • they look like a duck

where do penguins live?

  • Some penguins live in the Antarctica
  •  Some live in Africa 
  •  Most of the penguins live in the icey water.

what do penguins eat?

  • Penguins eat fish and squid 
  • cews the food for the babby penguin
  • Most penguins eat fish and krill

how do penguins protect themselves?

  •  There feathers make them warm and they are water proff
  •  Some times they protect themselves by getting into rookeries

what are different types of penguins?

  •  There are eighteen differentkinds of penguins
  • There is a penguin called the Africa penguin
  •  There is a little penguin called the blue fairy penguin

what are some interesting penguin facts?

  • Like to swim
  • have babbys
  • no feathers

macaroni penguins

  •  live in rocky cliffs
  • have black face
  •  have red eyes

little penguins

  •  live in Australia
  •  little penguin two pounds
  •  fiffteen inches long