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People Believe you when

Published on Jan 11, 2016

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People Believe you when

you tell them there are a billion stars,
Photo by 55Laney69

But need to check Wet Paint

Photo by mrsdkrebs

What is the speed of Darkeness?

Photo by noodlepie

Why do Kamikaze Pilots Wear Helmets?

Photo by tommy japan

Why do we press harder on the remore

When the batteries are dead?
Photo by Daveybot

Why Doesn't Glue Stick to the Bottle?

Photo by edwardconde

Superman stops bullets with his chest

But ducks when a gun is thrown at him
Photo by arellis49

If the temp is 0 and will be 2x as cold tom,

How cold will it be?

Isn't is a little scary that a Dr's work is called

Photo by Connor Tarter

Why is Mickey Mouse

Bigger than Pluto?
Photo by JD Hancock

Why do we sing Take Me Out to the Ballgame

When we are already there?
Photo by afagen

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