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Perú Vs. Spain

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Perú is that sorta dog looking country next to Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Columbia, and Chile.

Spain on the other hand is bordered by Portugal and France. Like it's closer to Europe than South America but still in SA. What!? Mind blown. Boom. I think I've had enough candy. Also it looks like a deformed bunny. 1 point to Perú!!

"The huayno is the genre of popular Andean music, although its origin can be traced to the Inca period." Basically Native Andean origin.

"The strongest coming from centuries of uninterrupted Roman rule, which left an enduring imprint upon the culture of music in Spain." Also when Some was dominant it brought with it the music and ideas of Ancient Greece. I love Greece, so 1 point to Spain!!!! I have no idea why I'm giving points.

The Peru music is a fusion of sounds and styles drawing from what I said on the other slide.Some artists are: Susana Baca, Yma Sumac(who died 2008), Pedro Suárez-Vértiz, and Chabuca Granda(died 1983).

Spain listens to all kinds of music from rock to classical, and flamenco to jazz. A few singers are: Massiel, Sarah Montiel(died in 2013), Lola Flores(died 1995), and Enrique Iglesias. (Because I'm not sexist)

Never mind. It's terrible!! The stuff they eat there?!?! Well the types of stuff Perú eats is a mixture of things. Their delicacy is..... no I can't say it.. fried or roasted guinea pig(cuy)?!?! NO! THATS NOT OK. *cries in corner* 1 point Spain. But seriously I'm crying tears.

Again this is a mixture of things like meat, rice vegetables, and other stuff. Sines I can't find any delicacies, or they might be but I don't know. Here is a dish that is said to be originated from Spain. Patatas bravas. Potatoes. Delicious. *sarcasm* I hate potatoes. I don't even like French fries. Still better than guinea pigs though.

Two of Perú's traditions are, parades and the ritual of Yunza. Which are during the Carnival.

Two of Spain's are, the Flamenco and bullfights during the fiesta.


  • Perú
  • 31,984,243


  • Spain
  • 46,067,580

Perú uses the Presidential system.

Spain uses a constitutional monarchy. Which the symbol is on their flag. I learned what monarchy meant by The Lion King.