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Periodic Table Of Elements Project

Published on Apr 15, 2016

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By Ethan Medeiros

Birth of Copper

The name of my element is copper. Copper's symbol is Cu.
Copper got its name from the Latin word cuprum, meaning "the island Cyprus". It's the island Cyprus because in the ancient Roman world most copper was mined in Cyprus.

Photo by Miradortigre

It's Form

Copper is minded from ores that are in the ground. Some mines today are in Arizona, Michigan, Utah, New Mexico, and Montana. It is found in the form of a solid.

Photo by jsj1771

What's Copper

Copper is classified as a metal. Some of the physical facts of the elements are that when water or moisture touches the copper turns into a greenish color to protect the copper from further corrosion below the patina. Patina is the green surface. Aside from gold, copper is the only metal on the periodic table whose coloring isn't naturally silver or grey.

Abundance in the Earth's Crust

There is about 0.0068% of copper in the Earth's crust.

Uses of Copper

Copper is used in many objects and places. Copper is used for the U.S. penny, statues, gun metals, and electrical equipment such as wiring and motors. For example, Lady Liberty is made of copper. It used to be a red, orange, brown color till rain touched it giving it the green color.

Photo by jdsmith1021

Common Uses for Copper

One of the most common items that has copper in it is the U.S. penny. Yes, the penny nowadays is 97.5 percent zinc but it is also coated with a thin layer of copper. Giving it it's place in this category.

Photo by JD Hancock

Protons, Electrons, & Neutrons

Protons are a positively charged particle located in an atom's nucleus. Neutrons are a particle that has no electric charge and is located in an atom's nucleus.
Electrons are a negatively charged particle located outside an atom's nucleus. An electron is about 2000 times smaller than either proton or a neutron.

Photo by kevin dooley

Atoms and Elements

Atoms and elements are related to each other because both make up a object. Atoms make up everything and elements make up a material.

Photo by denn


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