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Periods Of Human History

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Paleolithic Age
The Paleolithic Age was the first documented period of human history. It spread from 500,000-10,000 BC. During this time humans developed their first tools which were very basic, they were to meet basic needs. Some examples are: Sharpened Stones for cutting, and Sharpened Bones for needles. Also this is when humans first discovered fire. These all made life easier by providing security and larger diets, allowing the populations to increase.

Mesolithic Age
The Mesolithic Age is the second period in human history. It spread from 10,000-4,000 BC. This age was based on Microliths, which were 2 tools put together to perform a specific task. This allowed Leatherwork and Basketry, resulting in more appropriate clothing and baskets to gather and transport goods. Also hunting was made easier by the invention of a bow and arrow, and spears.Transportation was made easier by the production of canoes. With more time, humans began thinking of time and they made the calendar, assisting with a lot of things including farming, which allowed them to stay in one place.

Neolithic Age
The Neolithic Age is the third period on human history. It spread from 4,000-2300 BC. This period included the development of Agriculture, which allowed for year-round settlements. Not being on the move, hunting, allowed more time for us to develop and improve tools. Improved living conditions led to specialized craftspeople creating pottery. Stone tools were polished and refined, wooden and stone plows developed, as well as sickles. With the invention of spinning and weaving tools, even more divisions in labor occurred, as a result, people could become more specialized at certain tasks.

Bronze Age
The Bronze Age is the fourth age in human history. It spread from 2300-700BC.
Early civilizations began to develop, certain groups became specialized in certain things and were able to experiment with different materials. Metallurgy, the extraction of metal from ores was developed. Kilns were used to melt ores and harden clay. This allowed metals to be combined with other metals to become stronger. Bronze was able to be shaped into many things, resulting in stronger and more precise tools. Weapons and jewelry were created. New knowledge of metals increased the rate at which humans were able to work, explore, and alter their environments, changing everyday life.

Iron Age
The Iron Age is the fifth age in human history. It spread from 700BC-AD450. This is when iron became the primary metal for tool and weapons. The civilizations with the iron weapons have shown to be the more successful ones in military battles. Iron tools such as plows and chisels allowed humans to work on land with more precision and strength. The discovery of iron improved many aspects of human life such as agriculture, food production, and living conditions. With the strength of iron, bigger and stronger structures could be built. An army that wielded iron tools could create massive damage and be dominate over others.

Middle Ages
The Middle Ages was the sixth period in human history. It spread from AD450-1400. This is the time between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. Ships were created and allowed merchants to buy and carry more. As a result, new products were created. Cast iron was created and that led to the creation of the cannon. These were used on ships to protect themselves and also used in the military. The windmill was created to turn a grindstone. It also provided horseshoes and other farming equipment which allowed for better farming and traveling. Daily life changed dramatically as these advances started the beginnings of urbanism and industrialization.

This was the seventh period in human history. It spread from AD1400-1750. Refers to birth of reason and education becoming more available. The printing press was developed during this time which allowed ideas to be spread and literacy to be increased. The creation of the telescope and microscope were also invented during this time, allowing us to study thing in more detail or farther away. Thermometers and barometers were developed too, allowing study of weather. Clock technology also developed. All of these allowed humans to explore earth better. Scientists could specify phenomena and allowed for the development of math and physics. This was the start of time where humans began to focus their study on science.

Industrial Age
The Industrial Age is the eight period of human history, it spread from AD1750-1950. Technology developed during this time increased speed at which we see things. The development of trains was during this time and planes as well. Machines and industry was created which was known as the Industrial Revolution.The engine development was expanded, leading to the creation of the automobile. These new technologies caused the pace of life to accelerate as humans began to travel great distances to see the world in a whole new manner. The new technologies were also responsible for destruction during both world wars, though, which aided the invention of the rocket. This led democratic governments to make new areas for the people of their country. The new areas of study and research aided the advancement of medicine and living standards and, in turn, created a larger growth in population.

Information Age
The Information Age is the ninth period in human history. It spread from 1950-present.The Information Age is almost solely based on the technology developed through transis- tors and integrated circuits. Technology is essentially responsible for the creation of the computer, which can store massive amounts of information. The information can be classified, manipulated, and retrieved relativeto any element of society programmed into it. A computer is also capable of gathering and organizing information on its own to perform certain tasks. The information can then be used to control and run all the machines we make. It has aided in technology for space travel (e.g., the space shuttle). Circuit boards and computer chips control nuclear power plants and artificial hearts. This technology developed the ability to create communication satellites and the need to have them. The stored information can be exchanged and communicated to people all around the world in seconds. With the Internet and its ability to access all this information, knowledge can be trans- ferred to almost anyone, anywhere in the world at anytime. Individuals and organizations will have access to more information—knowledge that was previously only available to experts. More and more people will become empowered, and decision-making will become decentral- ized from the historic smaller local groups.