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Personal Narrative

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by bebouchard

It was a late stormy Friday night when my great grandpa walked into my room and said come out here I want to tell you something that will be very interesting for you. So I walked into the living room and sat down. He made a very strange looking grin and said are you ready for this. Great Grandpa said " It all started on an early morning of 1940 in The Heart of Nazi Germany, Berlin troop that really had no choice to be there."Then I knew things were interesting. So in this I believe.

Then he said " Now things get better right now." Great Grandpa started." I was waking up to are platoons radio stating that enemy tanks were on the way coming from the south. We all got up and grandpa said that its time to roll out. So I looked over the bushes we set camp up as and saw it are biggest fear. The heart of the enemy territory the sign said in German, Berlin.he new that this would be one of the hardest days in the war. Then i realized that something was gonna be different today because snow was falling on this day in November. So I was on my way to the targeted location. I was on such a high alert that every time I heard something I froze like a statue.

Photo by Will Spaetzel

After about a 15 mile walk which took about 4 hours we had reached are target point. It was crawling with Nazi soldiers. We got our binoculars out and scoped the place out. In just about 5 hours that we sat and watched the troop registering camp over 30,000 people became Nazi troops. The hardest part of the day was watching them killed about 3 times as many innocent German men then they earned troops. So then as I told the men it was time to stop the troop training we started the unthinkable. As we discussed the plan of action to take down this training camp I saw something out of the corner of my eye coming towards us. I heard this unrecognizable language come from that direction."

All in that amount of time I would look out the window with thunder boom off the valley and lightning crash the ground with a hard excited shock. I asked with a question "Why did you stop.", he said with a smile " Hold on I will be back". After about 20 minutes he brought a very old looking cloth out and he pulled a knife he said " This will explain what happens next", and for the rest of the story I held the knife.

Photo by CapCase

"As I turned around a German solider tried to knife or stab me. A managed to escape his grip and was able to suffocate him. Tension then became high on if someone else was watching. Finally Night fall and it was time to take action. We snuck under the perimeter fence and we found a building labeled in german PRISONERS. So we broke the prisoners out and no one saw any german guards. Then we tied bombs to a wire and detonated it about 100 yards away. Me and the rest of troops new we had done a good dede to the innocent people. Throughout the whole mission we saved 50,000 innocent civilians and when we detonated the bombs we killed 80,000 troops. This act of heroism was never noticed by anyone."

Photo by @bastique

At the end I was so interested I said " There has to be more to this you risked your life and you got no medals." Grandpa shook his head.
After great grandpa finished I realized something about this country. That we as males of the U.S. have the chance to become heroes and serve without being told we have to unlike Nazi Germany did during world war 2. This changed my way of thinking about this country and we can risk our life to keep this country free.

Photo by MTAPhotos

So if you think you don't want to serve in the armed forces then don't because you don't have to unlike during world war 2 as a german you did have to serve. So if you think that so many people shouldn't sign up to or become a military member. Always remember they had a choice not to serve the wanted to. So in this I believe.