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Personalized Learning with Technology

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Personalized Learning: Koua Yang LDT 602: May 2015


Personalized Learning with Technology

LDT 602:  Yang

What is Personalized Learning?

  • Teacher is the guide not the center of knowledge
  • Students have a choice
  • Students have ownership of their learning and assessments

How is Technology Involved?

  • District Initiative 1:1 iPad initiative
  • Every Student has an iPad in our district
  • Students also have access to three other computer labs with 140+ desktops in our school

Personalized Learning In Human Geography

  • Students researched resources in St. Paul
  • Students compared resources across St. Paul
  • Students studied the disparities in their neighborhood and came up with resolutions and presented it to public officials using their data

Here is a student example from the Urban Project

Personalized Learning in Asian Studies

  • Students researched the influence of Chinese Confucianism in Japan and Korea
  • Students chose between the following topics: social/entertainment, economic, and political
  • Students presented their projects on keynote using their iPads

Here is a link to our district website detailing my pilot with Personalized Learning

Student view on pros

  • They have choices in their learning
  • Students can choose to focus on their strengths

Student view on the cons

  • Students may not have enough background information to choose their topic
  • Topics can stray from the learning objective with insufficient guidance

Teacher's Pros

  • Students are independent with their research
  • Students seem more engaged in the learning proces

Teacher's Cons

  • Sometimes, there needs to be more front loading (guidance) before the independent work begins
  • Often, students will choose topics already familiar to them and not explore other arenas of the learning objectives


  • Bray, B., McClaskey, K. (2013, May). A Step-by-Step Guide to Personalize Learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, 40(7), 12-19.
  • Clark, C & Rust, F. (n.d.) How to do action research in your classroom. Lessons from the teachers network leadership institute. Retrieved from http://teachersnetwork.org/tnli/Action_Research_Booklet.pdf
  • Sagor, R. (2000). Guiding school improvement with action research. ASCD Chapter 1: what is action research?