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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Ivy Denis
Photo by AJC1

Also known as Whooping Cough or the 100 day cough

Photo by octarina8

Caused by Bordetella Pertussis Bacterium

Photo by AJC1

Rod shaped, aerobic, gram-negative bacteria

Attaches to respiratory cilia and produces toxin

Very Contagious
Only found in humans

Photo by Brett Jordan

How is it spread?

Infected person coughing/sneezing in close contact of others

7-10 day incubation period

Rarely up to 42 days incubation

Divided into 3 Stages

Catarrhal Stage

  • Last approximately 1-2 weeks
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Low grade fever
  • Mild, occasional cough

Paroxysmal Stage

  • Lasts 1-6 weeks (may last up to 10 weeks)
  • Bursts (or paroxysms) of rapid numerous coughs
  • Accompanied by high pitched whoop
  • May be cyanotic during an attack
  • Vomiting and exhausting following

Paroxysmal Stage

  • Does not appear ill between attacks
  • Attacks more frequent at night
  • Paroxysms due to difficulty expelling mucus
  • infants less than 6 months may not have strength to produce whooping sound

Convalescence Stage

  • Gradual recovery
  • Less paroxysmal coughs
  • typically goes away within 2-3 weeks

Who's at risk?

  • Anyone
  • Unvaccinated infants under 1 year highest risk 
  • From 2013-14 24% increase in reported cases

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