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Pharmacologists are scientists who study drugs.

Photo by RDECOM

They also study the effect certain drugs have on humans or animals.

The difference between a pharmacologist and a pharmacist is that a pharmacologist studies more of the science part of the medication while a pharmacist studies more of the health part.

Also as part of a pharmacologists job, they have to fill prescriptions and verify instructions from physicians.

They should have a strong science and math background.

In college, pharmacologists must study general and organic chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, molecular and cellular biology, microbiology, statistics, calculus, and English.

Photo by alexbrn

Pharmacologists must graduate with a bachelor's degree, a doctor degree, a pharmacy degree, and licenses exams.

Photo by kevin dooley

They usually work in labs, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and factories.

Photo by Fulla T

Most pharmacologists will work an average of 37-40 hours a week.

Photo by andres.moreno

They make about $105,000 per year.

Photo by kenteegardin