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Philosophical Assumptions

Published on Aug 05, 2016

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Philosophical Assumptions

Photo by Scott McLeod

The very act of theorizing or thinking about what we see which all people not only personality theories and entails making certain philosophical assumption

Photo by Steven Leith

Philosophy comes from the Greek "philein", to love and "sophia", wisdom it means the love or pursuit of wisdom

Photo by dakine kane

Basic Philosophical Assumptions

Freedom vs. Determinism

Photo by Tim Geers

Some theorist believe that individuals basically have control over their behavior and understand the motives behind them. Others believe that human behavior is basically determined by internal and external forces over which individuals have little if any control

Heredity vs. Environment

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Theorist differ over whether inherited and inborn characteristics or factors in the environment have the more important influence on the human behavior

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Uniqueness vs. Universality

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Some theorist believe that each individual is unique and cannot be compared with others. Others contend that people are basically very similar.

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Proactivity vs. Reactivity

Pro-activity theories view human beings as acting on their initiative rather than simply reacting. The sources of behavior are perceived as lying within the individual who does more than just react to stimuli from the outside world.

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Optimism vs. Pessimism

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do significant changes in personality and behavior occur throughout the course of a lifetime? Some personality theories are decidedly more optimistic and hopeful than others concerning these possibilities.

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Distinguishing Philosophical Assumptions from Scientific Statements

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Philosophical Assumptions - It suggest that things are not necessarily what they appear to be. It is also an epiphany from Greek epiphaneia which means "appearance" or "manifestation" or a perception of essential meaning.

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Scientific Statements - too often refer to things that we cannot see in ordinary observation,it must have the methods to test them differ from the methods of philosophy.

Criteria for Evaluating Philosophical Assumptions

Coherence - It must be Clear,logical and consistent. To be coherent it must have a clearly recognizable, consistent thrust.

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Relevance - To be meaningful, it must have some bearing on our view of reality.

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Comprehensiveness - The criterion of comprehensiveness asks whether the treatment of the subject is profound or superficial. A Philosophical assumption is superficial if it leaves too many questions unanswered or if it refuses to address them.

Compellingness - Does the assumption and its underlying philosophy convince you? it convinces you if it as if you have to believe in it.

Photo by Brett Jordan

Philosophical Basis of Science

Thomas Kuhn (1970) - a physicist who has studied the history of science and a Paradigm.
Paradigm - is a model or concept of the world that is shared by the members of a community and that governs their activities.

Scientific Statements - therefore are statements about the world based on empirical observations.

Recognizing Scientific Statement

The keystone of science is empirical observation, and the simplest kinds of statements in science are empirical statements such as "there is a person in the room to know whether or not an empirical statement is valid an individual has to be shown evidence based on sensory data regarding what has been seen, heard, felt smelled, or tasted.

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Empirical Statements is based on objective or subjective data.

Objective Data the position, the self is looking outward on the world as object.
Subjective Data the position, me: the self is looking inward on its own experience as the object.

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Consensual Validation repeated observation of the same phenomenon under specified condition or agreement among observers.

Scientific or Generalization -- is the conclusion that something is true about many or all of the members of a certain class.
Definitions - statements that are true because of the way in which we have agreed to use words some words are easy to define clearly and precisely.
Operational Definition - specifies which behaviors are included in the concept. "Stress" might be operationally defined in terms the rate of one's heartbeat and extent of one's perspiration as measured by polygraph apparatuses which translate bodily changes into a printed record.

Scientific Constructs - the most important statements in science which are imaginary or hypothetical and cannot be seen with the naked eye or even with sophisticated optical equipment in order to explain what we observe.

Some Basic Scientific Constructs

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Traits refers to a determining tendency or predisposition to respond in a certain way.
EX: emotional stability and introversion vs extroversion
Self is another useful construct for understanding personality that is present in many contemporary theories
EX: In Carl Rogers theory self, Predictive Power refers to the range or scope of the statement.

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The more prediction or consequences that we can infer from a theory the greater is its range and usefulness in generating new ideas.

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Simplicity or Parsimony that preferred theory is the one that adequately accounts for the complexity of material in the simplest way.

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The Art of Personality Theories

Photo by sta.helena

Assessment refers to evaluation or measurement.
a. Assessment use to measure progress and to evaluate learning disabilities.
b. Psychologist in industries and organization use assessment to assist in job placement.

Reliability or Consistency of scores over time.
A thermometer must register the same degree each time for the same amount of heat in order to be a consistent and useful measuring tool.
Objectivity is easier to obtain if responses are clearly delineated.

Psychometric Tests measure personality characteristics by means of carefully designed questionnaires develop with theoretical and statistical techniques.

Projective Tests the participant is presented with a deliberately and ambiguous stimulus. In responding to the stimulus the participant expresses personal attitude, values, need, and feelings

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personality theorist also differ widely in the type of research methods that they use. Some follow very strict scientific guidelines in their work. Here the interface between science and application is very clear.

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Clinical Approach
the clinician conducts research through intensive interviews and observation of the participants. Clinical methods of research may also include the analysis of dreams and or early memories.

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Psychometric Approach
use of mathematical and statistical tools to measure personality characterizes the psychometric approach to research.

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Experimental Approach
many psychologist favor an experimental approach because it permits them to infer a cause and effect relationship between two factors.
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
After the students are provided with their positive or negative feedback following their performance on a memory test, they could be given a depression questionnaire to test for a change in mood.

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is the effort to apply the findings of personality theories in ways that will assist individuals and meet human goals. The word therapy comes from the Greek "therapeia" which means attending and healing. However, psychotherapist are not interested only in healing sick people they are also interested in understanding normal people.

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Goals of Psychotherapy
Joseph Rychlak 1968, points out the three major motives or goals.

Photo by VinothChandar

Scholarly Motives considers therapy as a means of understanding the self and human nature.

Photo by AndYaDontStop

Ethical Motives considers therapy by means of helping the individual to change improve grow and better the quality of life.

Photo by Shira Golding

Curative Motives
aims directly at eliminating troublesome symptoms and substituting more suitable behavior.


Made by: Sunny and Verlyn
Photo by Rennett Stowe