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The similarity between the movie Matrix and Plato' beliefs.

First let's talk about the Plato's cave

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Published on May 02, 2019

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The matrix vs plato

The similarity between the movie Matrix and Plato' beliefs.

First let's talk about the Plato's cave

Photo by JD Hancock

plato's cave

Plato's cave is well known as it described the difference between what we perceive and what is actually reality.

In plato's thinking, most of us are tricked and the reality that we know are might be false

what's reality

The question that always pops up is what's reality.

Most of the time we don't know if what we are seeing is true. Therefore, many philosophers conclude that we might be blinded by our sense data.

We are blinded by our sense data

Plato says that we see stuff and believe that is true just like the people in the caves as all they know is shadows on the wall.

And their reality will only consists of the images and beliefs of the shadow that appears on the wall.
Photo by Caleb Woods

plato's simile of line

Plato explain that the reality is known by using the simile of the line.

The visible world

First it consists of the visible world, which is where the shadow appears on the wall. And this visible world is depended on the sun.
Photo by Werner Kunz

the World of opinion

And the world that plato described are the world that most of us lived in.

The INTELLIGible world

Next is the Intelligible world, where people in that world knows what is reality.

The world of KNowledge

The world is also known as the world of knowledge. In order to know the reality according to plato, we need to first understand the reason behind everything and understand the form. Which includes scientific concepts.

Matrix retelling the beliefs of plato

In conclusion, I think that The Matrix does used Plato's simile of the line and Plato's cave as a main concept in making this film.

For example, The matrix is a fake reality that everybody in it don't know that is fake just like the cavemen with the shadows.

It uses the simile of the line during the end of the film. Where Neo was able to read the coding. This indirectly means that he has achieve the form and is on THE GOOD in the simile of line.