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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by tjdewey

There are lots of different phobias. Every one has one. Phobias are an anxiety disorder. Which means the people with a phobia try to get away from them. For example if someone has Arachnophobia ( Fear of spiders ) they try to get run away from them .Or in extreme cases people may cry. Here are 5 of the most funny phobias that I could find

Photo by * Cati Kaoe *


Nomophobia is a phobia that makes people scarred of losing their phone or having no wifi. A study has found that 53% of people have it in brittan

Photo by Foomandoonian


Oikophobia is the fear of household appliances, Bathtubs, house chemiacals and any other common house items.

Photo by BoneDaddy.P7


Aibohphobia is the fear of palindromes, (Palindromes are words that can be spelt backwords, like racecar). The name of the phobia is actully a palindrome, LOL.

Photo by jev55


Phagophobia is the fear of swallowing. Most people with this fear lose waight and have low ammount of nutrition. People with this phobia have it because they are scared of chocking on their food and may die.


Panphobia is the fear of everything or the fear of unkown evil. Theres not alot of infomation on this phobia since docters dont think it really exits in humans