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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photosynthesis-The process of a plant making its food using carbon dioxide and sunlight and also water

The process of photosynthesis

1.sunlight- The plant needs sunlight in order to make its food

The sunlight is absorbed by the plants tiny cells

2.Chlorophyl- It is found in the plants cells it is the compound that traps the sunlight to start the process of photosynthesis

3.Water- Its the two main ingredients that are needed in photosynthesis the other being carbon dioxide

4.Food- There are atoms that are the oxygen and nitrogen atoms the plant removes the oxygen and nitrogen that are mixed together now that it is separated the plant combines the carbon atoms and the oxygen it makes their food

The oxygen that is left from the process the plant releases into the air

The things that I learned are that plants can make its own food by using ingredients like when your mother cooks you food they need a specific ingredient to the food

Why do we need photosynthesis?
Because with out oxygen we can not breath with out plants we will not have oxygen and trees for food like fruits and other things