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Physical Acticity

Published on Mar 20, 2016

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Physical Activity

Ways people can be Active

  • Many ways to become more active is cleaning a lot, taking the stairs at work, parking your car far away from your destination and and exercise when there is nothing to do.
Photo by angela7dreams

More ways to be active

  • more ways people can be active is just exercising regularly and planning sport programs such as aerobics, oz tag and other sports that includes many people.
Photo by Ed Yourdon

places you can be active

  • There are many places you can be active such as gyms, local recreational centers, local reserves and at school during PE.

Things That stop you from being active

  • The main barrier that stops you from being active is injury. Other barriers that stop us are obesity, disability and just being to busy with work.

THe definition of the word smart

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time Bound


  • Specific means you should tell yourself exactly what you want
Photo by falequin


  • Measurable is keeping track of your progress like losing 2 kilos last week and this week you lost 5 more


  • achievable is a goal that you know you can achieve or complete
Photo by ttrentham


  • Relevant goals are goals that assist or are useful to the goal you have set
Photo by salendron

time bound

  • It means you have to set actual deadline for goal or when you want it be achieved by
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