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Pilgrimage of Resurrection

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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My intention is to notice
what my eyes will feast on today!
Treasure the moments and
know that
God is with me!


Photo by jasohill

The gentleness calls
I listen and I respond
God is holding me!

Photo by jasohill


Photo by mendhak

You are my spirit

Ever calling me to be

Stay with me today

Photo by mendhak


Photo by l0ndoner

I need practices to act as touchstones so they can sustain me during the journey.

Photo by John Spooner

What practices will anchor me when the seas of life grow stormy?

What will cultivate peace in my soul?

Photo by rkramer62

Look deeply
Write, pray in colour, crochet, plants , etc.


Photo by duncan

Holy pauses are essential for discovering the meaning of my experiences. There is no map. I can only drop deep into my heart to guide me through my next steps.

Untitled Slide

Where do I find space for silence and solitude so that I can listen to the whisperings deep within me?

Photo by Darwin Bell


Photo by rante_to4ak

Pilgrimage demands preparation. There is much letting go that needs to happen. Packing bags means I need to discern what to carry with me and what to leave behind. This is one of the great gifts of pilgrimage; an invitation to discern what is essential.

Photo by rumpleteaser

What keeps me from the great adventure life is calling me to?

Photo by smallislander

What kinds of attitudes, beliefs, expectations and stories I tell about myself need to be released so that I can travel more lightly?

Photo by smallislander

I don't have to "believe" something in particular, but practice is the heart of things. I can doubt and still practice. Practice is embodied, much the way that Thomas wanted to touch the wounds. Practice helps me to be in touch with the incarnational realities of my life.





Photo by live w mcs

Moments are holy doorways where we are lifted out of time and we encounter the sacred in the most ordinary of acts.

Photo by batabidd

Moments invite us to pause and linger because there is a different sense of time experienced.

Photo by batabidd

Moments are those openings we experience, where time suddenly loses its linear march and seems to wrap us in an experience of the eternal.

Photo by batabidd


The Desert Mothers and Fathers] journey into the desert was the crossing of a threshold towards an intentional awareness of God’s presence and recognizing that worldly pleasures bring little long-term satisfaction.
The aim was to experience God in each moment and activity.

What can I do to simplify my life so that each moment offers a window on to the Divine?


Photo by ecstaticist

When you explore thresholds, it’s about resting into mystery. Learn to live in the liminal space where the old is released but the new hasn’t come into being.

Photo by jinterwas

How do I respond when I find myself in this mysterious space of unknowing?

Photo by jinterwas

Do I try to analyse, order and make sense of the experience?

Photo by jinterwas

Or do I surrender into the mystery, living in God’s time, rather than my own?

Photo by jinterwas



Photo by -MRGT

Peregrinatio’ is the call to wander for the love of God. It is a word without precise definition in English and means something different than pilgrimage. This wandering was an invitation into letting go of our own agendas and discovering where God was leading.

Can you trust that the impulse for the journey is always love, that God is both the destination and the way?