Holy pauses are essential for discovering the meaning of my experiences. There is no map. I can only drop deep into my heart to guide me through my next steps.
Pilgrimage demands preparation. There is much letting go that needs to happen. Packing bags means I need to discern what to carry with me and what to leave behind. This is one of the great gifts of pilgrimage; an invitation to discern what is essential.
I don't have to "believe" something in particular, but practice is the heart of things. I can doubt and still practice. Practice is embodied, much the way that Thomas wanted to touch the wounds. Practice helps me to be in touch with the incarnational realities of my life.
The Desert Mothers and Fathers] journey into the desert was the crossing of a threshold towards an intentional awareness of God’s presence and recognizing that worldly pleasures bring little long-term satisfaction. The aim was to experience God in each moment and activity.
When you explore thresholds, it’s about resting into mystery. Learn to live in the liminal space where the old is released but the new hasn’t come into being.
Peregrinatio’ is the call to wander for the love of God. It is a word without precise definition in English and means something different than pilgrimage. This wandering was an invitation into letting go of our own agendas and discovering where God was leading.