WHY DO WE HAVE URBAN PLANNERS? Urban planners are the ones that decide where the new park or business will go. They make sure to think about the health and well being of the community and people.
HOW IT WORKS Small communities: they hire private planners to create a plan that will go to the govt. for approval. Big communites: the cities planning committee will create the plans.
RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS If problems arise with getting a plan approved, the city might use its power of tax, police force, and eminent domain.
Planners also have to take into account zoning laws which restrict where something can be built. They have to think about how fast a city is changing in relation to their solutions to urban problems.
Urban planners try to think of the best plan for the community where it all functions properly. Some of their work includes:
* Plans for parks, open space, and facilities
* studying transportation trends
* attracting workers and jobs through programs in the community
* managing house size and budget
* managing sewer and water services
-Columbia, Md. Founded in 1962 with 14,100 acres. Now has a population of 97,000 with 2,500 businesses. -Reston, Va., 58,000 residents all contained in 11.5 square miles.
Cities are also built in response to attack. Pearl Harbor created Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Los Alamos, N.M.; and Hanford, Wash. All three were apart the "Manhattan Project". https://youtu.be/_5ot_1tbQX8
WHAT HAPPENS TO WILDLIFE? There is on average about 10 times more biodiversity outside urban areas than inside them. Planners do not normally plan for wildlife evacuations- 67% of the the Mexico City population believe there is no information in regards to animal protection from disaster.
INCORPORATING WILDLIFE INTO CITIES Merging wildlife into cities through wildlife corridors, city green space, and hazard free environments. Pros: biodiversity hotspots. Environmental education. Green ecosystem. Animal services. Cons: rabies, Lyme disease, roadkill, and bears/raccoons in trash.