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Plessy V Ferguson

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by ecstaticist

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  • Homer plessy,a 30 year old shoemaker from Louisiana went to the Supreme Court to get the separate car act banned.

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  • Plessy had purchased a first class ticket on June 7th,1892 to sit in a railroad car that was intended to be for "white" passengers.
Photo by Thiophene_Guy

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  • Officials arrested him for violating the act. In court the act went against the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments in the constitution.
  • He lost the case to a judge named John Howard ferguson who was hearing the case and decided that the law was unconstitutional for trains that ran outside of Louisiana

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  • This made a difference in the way the train seating was managed. It was constitutional because of the amendments that went with it being okay.