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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Were John Smith and Pocahontas really in love?
No, Pocahontas maybe had a crush on him, but she was only 12 years old and Smith was 27, but as we all know Disney always exaggerates the love between characters.

Did Pocahontas actually have a bird and raccoon?
This one is really self explanatory, no she didn't have a bird named flit and a raccoon named Miko that followed her everywhere they are merely fictional characters that were put in the movie to add a sense of humor.

Photo by sdobie

Was she really a spiritually, nature loving person?
Yes, Pocahontas really did feel she had a connection with nature, and spent as much time as she could wandering the woods and spending time with the beautiful world she lived in. She also participated in the same ceremonies and rituals as the other Indians in her tribe.

Photo by skoeber

Was Pocahontas really best friends with Nakoma?
This question is odd, she obviously did have friends and she most likely had a friend she talked to about anything, but we can't be sure her name was Nakoma, for the sake of having an answer, Nakoma was not real.

Did Pocahontas' mother really die while Pocahontas was young? Yes her mom died while Pocahontas was young and there were no schools near where she lived, so she had to learn from her experiences. Pocahontas herself died when she was 21, she died of smallpox in 1617.

Was her dad really the chief of the tribe? Yes, her dad Powhatan really chief of the Algonquin tribe, and was highly respected.

Did Pocahontas have a normal child hood for an Indian of her tribe? Yes, Pocahontas had a normal life in the early stages, she would hunt and forage like everyone else and she knew how to start fires, up until the colonists arrived which led to significant changes in her later life.

Did Pocahontas ever marry anyone? Yes she did marry someone, she married a man named John Rolfe, a famous Tobacco farmer who brought tobacco to Virginia in the early 1600's and was later famed for his marriage with Pocahontas, for it made a huge contribution to the peace between Indians and the colonists.

Photo by John-Morgan

What was her relationship to Kokoum? She had been married to Kokoum (who was a captained the tribe) which is all that is known of Kokoum. This information was found in a small note found near remains. That is the only artifact we have of Kokoum.

Those were just some things about the beloved Disney movie character and historical icon we all know as Pocahontas. As you've seen, movies can stretch the truth by quite a bit.

Photo by Marcus Vegas

We learned a lot from our learning studio "History versus Hollywood" about historical fiction movies and wether or not they directly represent the past correctly, and we actually had a lot of fun in our learning studio thanks to Ms.Oswald, Thank you for watching.

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