Dear Friend,
I still remember that day
So here's something that
I just want to say
I'm here.
I've always been,
I always will be.
Nothing can turn me the other way.
I support your choices.
But I was surprised
The day you told me.
I wished it was a lie.
Then my heart cried a river.
Why didn't you tell me before?
I always said I was there.
Did you not believe that my words were true?
But here's a new though,
So maybe you'll remember this way.
Here's another thing
I just have to say.
You are the boxer,
I am your punching bag.
You are the words,
I am the listener.
So next time you think
That you are not strong
Just know I'm here.
That I'll be there,
For you until the end of time.
So that's what
I just wanted to say.
Your loving listener.
2 devices:
"You are the boxer,
I am the punching bag."
"I still remember that day.
So here's something that I just wanted to say."
Batman (Steve)-
Marvelous Future Superman Steve.
I still believe you are innocent.
I'm still your sidekick, batman.
But when they took you away
All my fear that ran away
Came back to stare me down.
But I drove them away
In the bat mobile.
We were a team.
We are a team.
You are my brother.
The trial, mom and dad say,
Isn't fair.
But I know you'll come back home.
We'll play video games then, yeah?
I miss you brother.
But soon we will be fighting crime and kicking butt.
-Robin (Jerry)
2 devices:
You can't drive fears away in the bat mobile.
"But whEn thEy took you awAy."
The Lesson of the Sand
The sand brings joy at beaches.
The sand is warm.
The sand is millions
Of tiny grains of sand.
Each one of them different
Created by the universe
In one Big BANG.
But if sand is put
Under enough pressure,
It will turn into glass.
And if glass is put
Under enough pressure,
It will crack,
A little bit more each time.
But, sometimes the strength of glass
Gives up.
And sometimes it shatters.
But those shards
Can be made into something beautiful.
They can be put back together.
They can be whole again.
If the right person
Picks up the pieces
They can be made
Into a mirror for you
To see beauty in.
You may think you are
"Only a crack
In this castle of glass."
You may think you are
Only a grain of sand
On a giant beach.
But you are so much more.
(Lyrics in quotes taken from Castle of Glass by Linkin Park.)
2 devices:
I used personification to make the reader feel like they are the sand.
A- mity in my heart.
D- uantless in my soul.
R- especting and selfless like the Abnegation
E- rudite is great in everything involving extensive knowledge like me.
Y- earns to tell the truth like Candor.
N- ot belonging to one group.
You could call me Divergent.
2. devices
Allusion: I used references (or allusions) to divergent to make the poem more personal to myself.
Erudite is great in Everything involving Extensive knowledge.