My planets name is Pohe after my two cats, Poncho and Chloe.
Pohe is a Gas Giant, and very similar to Uranus.
Pohe is about 50 million miles away from its star’s habitable zone.
Pohe orbits an orange star named Eeza. Orange Stars are nicknamed, "Goldilocks Stars" because they allow liquid water to exist easily on any planet in its habitable zone.
My planet’s thick atmosphere consists mostly of hydrogen and helium. There is also a little methane mixed in too.
Pohe has 17 moons. Its biggest moon is called “Boo”.
My planet does not have any tectonic activity because it is a gas giant.
There is no life, or signs of it, on my planet, because it is too cold and too far away from its star.
Pohe’s core is full of gas and ice, and it has four very faint, thin rings. Pohe orbits Eeza, its star, along with 6 other planets.