Poison Oak mostly grows In North America. If you do not identify it and touch it you can get some bad symptoms. These symptoms range from itching, to trouble breathing, this is why lots of people try to avoid this plant.
Poison Ivy Is probably the most well known plant in N. America. You can identify it by the three leaves, the shinny leaves, and the greenish flowers in the spring.
Poison Sumac is mostly found in the wetlands in the southeast. Even when this plant is dead is still can transfer some of it's toxins. Lastly, it's color mainly changes based on the season from green to red.
How To Cure your rash You should just go to the local drug store and get some cream for that and then if symptoms worsen you should see a doctor Immediately.
Scorpions About 35 species of scorpions can kill people but most of them hurt causing the victim to suffer. if you are stung you should go to a hospitals immediately
Treatment For bee stings you should take the stinger with a credit card or any card by sliding it on the stung body part to prevent more venom going into your body. for scorpion stings you should go the the hospital if the sting is getting worse immediately.
Rapid animals Rabies is a preventable viral disease which is mainly caused by animal bites. DO not approach an animal that is acting viscous or tending to charge you, this can lead in serious problems including death.
Snake bites Most snake bites in the USA are dangerous to people. most will kill you if you do not go to a hospital within 24 hours and you can't drive call 911 immediately.
Treatment For snake bites you can suck out the venom if you can not call 911 or get to a hospital. For Rapid animals you must go to the hospital because rabies is a lethal to the human body.