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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Do you know how humans are affecting Polar Oceans?

One of the example is .....

Chemicals... people dump chemicals into the water and that kills the animals!!!

Photo by Marion Doss

When people dump chemicals, it makes pollution!!! That kills the animals!

Another example is....

Chlorofluorocarbons... That is a gas that is in the polar oceans. It kills the animals too!!

There is a chemical called pesticedes. That is really dangerous for the animals that live there!!

Photo by Vito De Lucia

First, the pesticides spread on the plants and whatever animal eats it dies!!!

These are some examples of how humans affect Polar Oceans

I hope now people won't harm the Polar Oceans!!

Photo by Kuyan Redman

These are ways to protect Polar Oceans:

  • Don't dump chemicals into oceans.
  • Don't dump any gas into oceans.
Photo by bolano

I hope you liked it!

Photo by ashfay