CREATION OF POLDERS Polders are created by a dyke being placed around a section of land that wants to be drained. Once this dyke is placed you start draining the water from the sectioned off land. Once it’s drained you start planting reeds to strengthen the soil and then different crop until the soil is strong enough to be able to build houses.
THE USES OF POLDERS These Polders are used for settlements as there is to little housing in Holland for their huge population and for agricultural reasons as they had to little food supply. To this day they are the second biggest exporters of food.
SETTLEMENT PLANS On the Polders there is a specific housing pattern, this pattern is radial or nucleated this means that all the road in these Polders lead to the centre town or city of each Polder.
LIFE IN THE POLDERS FARMS Life in the Polders are very interesting as every resident of the farming Polders have equally the same amount of space for farming and all the field plot are some length and size.
LIFE IN CITY POLDERS The city Polders, the houses or apartments vary in size from your small farm house to the bigger office buildings the city Polder even features an airport and many docks on the coast.