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political participation

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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political participation

mr. melkonian

canada is a great place to live

ranked high on the UN chart (hdi)
Photo by szeke

criticized for a few things though

environment, job creation, aboriginal people
Photo by Greg Marshall

walkerton's water

e. coli infection - seven dead
Photo by Ian Sane

issues with quebec...

they tried to leave canada a few times
Photo by abdallahh

active citizen

how to be one
Photo by watchlooksee

question status quo

the way things are done in community/society

health care should be cheap/free

but what about...

health care

  • Physiotherapy?
  • Mental health?
  • Cancer treatment/research?
  • Smoking teenagers?

usually people focus on one thing

probably what they're most passionate about
Photo by dsevilla

some want to tax more/less

to achieve these goals
Photo by 401(K) 2013