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Political Party Project

Published on Dec 01, 2015

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  • Historical background (slide 1-2)
  • Political philosophy (slide 3)
  • Important (or famous) members (slide 4)
  • Mascot (slide 5)
  • Political platforms on current issues (slide 6-8)


  • Art piece:drawing or photo (slide 9)
  • Bibliography (slide 10)

Historical background
The Democratic Party was founded in 1792 by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They started this party to stop anti-aristocratic policies. The Democratic Party has accomplished many things including WWI victory with Woodrow Wilson, WWII victory with Harry S. Truman, peace corps, 1st manned moon mission, minimum wage law, school lunch programs, and last but not least women's rights.

Historical background
Some pivotal movements In the Democratic Party are Hong Kong's democracy and racial justice.

Untitled Slide


  • Andrew Jackson -president
  • "The bible is the rock on which the republic rests"
  • Lyndon Baynes Johnson-vice president/ president
  • "a man without a vote is a man without protection"
  • Al Franken-U.S. Fourth Amendment doesn't apply to corporations.

Andrew Jackson was called a jackass for his work so he used it to his advantage. Andrew Jackson was stubborn and dumb like a donkey.
Donkeys are humble, loyal and ode to a common man.

Political platforms on current issues
Social issue:Education
Reduce class size hire new teachers. New tax programs to enable more life and long learning. U.S. needs public school accountabilities not Vouchers. Here is the party's position. We need to put a million new teachers in schools. Propose new tax cuts that allows families to choose either a $10,000 year tax deduction or $2,800 tax credit.

Political platforms on current issues
Economic issues
Create an economy built to last built from the middle out. Cut the deficit in half over the next four years. Policy should encourage homeownership in affordable housing. Here is the party's position. We must rebuild a strong foundation that ensures it never happens again. We will roll back to the Bush tax cut to those making more than 200,000.

Political platform on current issue
Political issue:War & peace
U.S. wants to bring our troops home by 2015. Focus on preventing terrorism by educating the Muslim world. The U.S. has begun the process of bringing our troops home from Afghanistan. At the core of this conflict is a fundamental struggles of ideas.

Persuasive piece