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Pollution In Dubai - Arnav

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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In the earlier days Dubai was a simple city. People used to live in simple houses without electrical air conditioning and were using camels for transportation in the desert. Their houses had natural design to get cool air at that time. So in Dubai there were no resources to pollute the air. But when they found oil in Dubai, the country became rich. They started constructing more buildings and roads for more transportation.

Photo by Marcus Vegas

Dubai ‘s pollution in the past was very little but after they found oil in Dubai they got richer. So the ruler of Dubai turned Dubai into a much more modern city like it is today. In Dubai he started constructing roads, buildings, development of manufacturing industry with latest technology and facilities. But with this came the major cause of air pollution; that is transportation, buildings, industries, super malls, electricity and mostly air conditioning. All the consumption and emission of gases from these is making Dubai more polluted.

Photo by kevin dooley

The government have placed many weather monitors around Dubai so that they can measure the level of pollution and can try to make sure the pollution in Dubai doesn't get to a dangerous level. They are now promoting generation of electricity using solar energy. The new places are equipped with solar cells for street and garden lighting. Recently an aeroplane fixed with solar cells on its wings to generate solar power has started its world tour from Abu Dhabi. So the efforts are being made to reduce the air pollution.

Photo by davedehetre


Photo by Orin Zebest