the study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human population.
It is the absolute number of population or any demographic event occurring in a specified area in a specific time period.
It is the frequency of demographic events in a population during a specific time period (usually a year) divided by the population "at risk" of the event occurring during that time period.
It is the relation of one population subgroup to the total population or to another subgroup, that is, one subgroup divided by the another.
It is the relation of a population subgroup to the entire population; that is, a population subgroup divided by the entire population.
An unchanging, arbitrary number by which rates, ratios, or proportions can be multiplied to express these measures in a more understandable fashion.
A statistic that measures events occurring to a cohort ( a group of people sharing the same demographic experience) who are observed through time.
A statistic that measures events occurring to all or part of a population during one period of time.