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Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Sebastian L, Marco J, & Kyle M 
Photo by Franco Folini

What Is Poverty

  • It is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of money 
  • One who lacks a certain amount of material possessions
  • The state of being extremely poor
  • One who is in poverty lacks........
  • Food, Water, Sanitation, Clothing, Shelter, Health Care, & Education

Poverty in Charlotte N.c


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Charlotte, N.C Poverty Data

  • In 2010 nearly 139,000 residents in Charlotte were living in poverty
  • One in five children is living below the poverty line
  • Families in poverty percentages by family type
  • - Married -couple family (29.3%)
  • - Male, no wife present (19.7%) -Female, no husband present (57.1%)

Poverty in Calcutta,India


Poverty Rate in Calcutta, India

Calcutta, India Poverty Data

  • 78 million people are homeless
  • 11 million children are below the poverty line
  • 35% of 260 million people earn $1 or less a day
  • Home to 63% of poverty people in South Asia 

Causes & Effects

Of Poverty
Photo by angela7dreams

Causes of poverty

  • Lack of education
  • Disasters
  • Living in a poor economic structure place
  • Unemployment
  • Overpopulation  

Effects of Poverty

  • Health Issues
  • Food insecurity and hunger 
  • No basic services
  • Going homeless
  • Death due to starvation and malnutrition


For Poverty
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Possible Solutions

  • Start charity/ donation  fund for people in poverty
  • Create new jobs that involves no education
  • Taxing the rich more and less the poor
  • Building self-sufficient economies
  • Involvement with the media

Groups/People who can help ones in need

  • Churches
  • Non-profit organizations
  • University Stundents
  • Homeless Shelters

The Best Solution

  • Charity/donation funds  because.....
  • -- It provides a large amount of what the people in poverty need
  • -- People are mostly likely willing to participate in it
  • -- Needs can be provided fast throught it

Steps of Implementation for Charity

  •  Give advertisement for the charity event 
  • Set up the charity event at Churches & Universities
  • Collect food , water, and money
  • Split the donations upon the people in poverty who need it more than others
  • Give out the donations at poverty places in the community 

Charity isn't going give everyone's Their needs

The Counterargugment
Photo by chappyphoto

Charity isn't going to give everyone's  their Needs

  • Charity is going to give everyone's their needs because....
  • --- A huge amount of people will be involve giving a variety of things 
  • --- The donations of the charity will be split evenly
  • --- People will the receive the basic needs they need 
  • --- The community will donate enough things for the people in poverty 


Of the information

What we learned about Poverty

  • It is the state were one does not have money nor basic needs 
  • It can happen anywhere
  • Causes of Poverty includes lack of education, job, and disasters
  • Effects includes health issues, lack of basic needs, and shelter less 
  • Solutions includes community charities, more jobs and lower taxes for poor

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