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Practical Learning

Published on Nov 24, 2015

Just a brief summary of the Makers Movement and its potential for the classroom


Practical Learning

The Maker's Movement in Education
Photo by danmachold

What is the Maker Movement?

Photo by crises_crs

What is the Maker Movement?

  • People making things
  • People sharing what they've made
  • That's it (but not really)
Photo by crises_crs

Effects of the Maker Movement

Effects of the Maker Movement

  • Drive Innovation
  • Empower individuals
  • Broaden the reach of technology
  • Enhance technology with creativity

How to make something

Photo by marcp_dmoz

How to make something

  • Learn about it
  • Imagine it
  • Model it
  • Finish it
  • Share it

Makers in Education

Photo by pennstatenews

Makers in Education

  • Get students making things that are real
  • Learn through doing
  • Share and show off what they've done
Photo by pennstatenews

In my classroom

Photo by xsix

In my classroom

  • Small projects to show specific concepts
  • Long term projects to tie concepts together
  • Collaborative workspace online and in the classroom
  • Major project for my homeroom to build identity and unity