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Practice Random Acts Of Kindness

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Your challenge for this week:

Do something nice for someone else. 

No act of kindness, no matter how small,

 is ever wasted.- Aesop quotes
Photo by liquidnight

Research shows ...

has 3 different impacts
Photo by MTSOfan

The impact on the person

you do the act of kindness to...

The impact


The impact for anyone that happens to see you

doing something nice
Photo by @Doug88888

What does a random act of kindness

have to do with the Church?

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you,

you also are to love one another - John 13:34

What does this mean?

Photo by Horia Varlan

I'ts not easy

Photo by santheo

Take the Challenge.

You'll Be Glad You Did!
Photo by SweetOnVeg

Sometimes, our love for each other can be expressed

through the simplest of actions.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak,

but their echoes are truly endless.” ― Mother Teresa
Photo by Mathesont

Take baby steps

to get you there...
Photo by Adel Z

Smiling at someone

that looks troubled

holding a door open

for someone
Photo by Nick Kenrick.

holding a door open

for someone
Photo by Nick Kenrick.

Write a positive note

to a classmate
Photo by wickenden

All simple ways to show someone

you care!
Photo by VinothChandar

Performing a random act of kindness

brings us closer to God

Because Jesus came down to Earth to spread his love to all of us,

and show us how to spread love to one another.

Spreadin' the love is one way

we can be just like him! 

Need more ideas?

Try these simple suggestions

at your school:
Photo by HKmPUA

Compliment the first three people

you talk to.
Photo by Steve took it

Write a hand-written

note to a teacher.
Photo by vxla

Write a hand-written

note to a teacher.
Photo by vxla


to the person next to you in your first class of the day

Place uplifting notes...

in library books, on restroom mirrors, on someone's locker, or on their computer screen.

Leave a piece of chocolate on your desk

for the next person that will sit there.
Photo by Shermeee

Remember ...

- all of these tiny actions have a lasting impact. 
Photo by Neal.

Be the light

 that brighten's someone else's day.

Be the inspiration


Be the change you want to see

in the world - Gandhi
Photo by bench_30

Untitled Slide

Photo by heathbrandon