How can we differentiate
- Presentation
- Process
- Product
There are several ways that we can differentiate our lessons to effectively help our students learn.
First we can take a look at our presentation or how the lesson is taught. Will it be more student centred? Teacher centred? Will the whole class be included, will it be small groups, cooperative groups or maybe even stations.
Then there is the process, how will the lesson be done? how will the students complete their work? in stations, independently, compaction, or will they have a choice? You must decide based on the skills and knowledge of the learners
Finally there is the product, how will the learners demonstrate what they have learned. Will they do a traditional assessment, video products, written reports, oral assignments, power point presentations, drama presentation. Here you must understand the strengths and needs of the learners so that you can help them make good decisions about how they will show what they have learned. Your extensive knowledge of their educations status will help them pick a method that will play to their skills and they they will not struggle with. (Tips and Strategies for Effective Differentiation and Instruction, 2011)
Differentiated instruction is about providing alternative instructional and
assessment activities, challenging students at a level appropriate to their skills and using a variety different instructional methods and student groups to meet student needs. It is not about making a different plan for every single child in the classroom.