Guy Kawasaki:
10 slides,
20 minutes,
30 point font
Guy Kawasaki used to work for Apple, but now is a freelance designer, consultant, author, and blogger. If you do a web search, you will find his blog, "How to Change the World." Guy has written an extremely useful blog post, "The 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPoint," which is the inspiration for my slide (you can search for "10-20-30 rule" and find a number of hits, it is popular). If I were to give this Haiku Deck as a 20 minute presentation, it would conform to the 10/20/30 rule: There are 10 slides, the presentation would last for 20 minutes, and all of the text is 30 point font or larger. This simple rule would have eliminated many, if not most, of the bad student (and professional) presentations that I have seen over the years.
Guy has also been involved with a graphical design startup, Canva (search for it on the web), which allows novices (like me) to produce nice graphical elements for blogs, presentations, and other info media. You may have noticed that each of the slides in this Haiku Deck has a photo background, which is something I learned from Garr Reynolds. In the future, I think the use of graphical elements will become increasingly more common. Canva gives "the masses" the ability to create effective graphics, without the overhead associated with many commercial products.