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There are numerous beneficial ways our species help the human race and Mother Earth.
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Preventing the extinction of species

Published on Nov 25, 2015

Trying to Prevent Extinction?


Preventing the extinction of species

Should we care about our critters?
There are numerous beneficial ways our species help the human race and Mother Earth.

3 main points

  • They help develop new cures and medicine
  • They are a mandatory need for our agricultural system
  • They make our environment a livable place.
-extinction is about 1,000 times higher today than in the past
-Species provide us with fuel, food, and medicine.
-5,500 mammal species, 25% are at risk of extinction and 156 are moving closer to extinction (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species)2
Photo by Poytr

new cures and medicines

  • Possible cures for cancer 
  • Our prescription medicines are almost all derived from speicies
  • Genetic Library for new antibiotics and medicines
-About %40 of all prescriptions written by doctors today are composed from the natural compounds of different species.
-Genetic Library
-1,000 drugs approved- not one traceable to synthetic source.
-Zoonotic diseases

Gila monster

Gila Monster's contain a specific venom found in their mouths and skin and can help people with Type 2 Diabetes
-"Trash Tree"- ovarian, prostate, and breast cancer.

Photo by OZinOH

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-One of the most important antibiotics
Photo by Leo Reynolds

healthy agricultural systems

  • Give us soils and riches for crops and gardening
  • Improve existing crops
  • Give us sources for biodegradable pesticides
-80,000 edible plant species
-Genetic material from wild corn species in Mexico was used to help stop a harmful lead fungi
-Many plants have chemical defenses that keep animals from eating them.
-tropical origins

environmental and economical aid

  • Regulates our environment
  • "Ecotourism"
  • Restoration provides us gains worth trillions a year
-Purifies air, cleans water, and supplies with food
-Losing just one plant triggers the death of others
-exploitation of natural resources is greater than intensive land use, economically.
-Florida Keys
-Energy fixation, chemical cycling, soil generation, ground water recharge, and flood protection
-Commercialized species

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Photo by angela7dreams

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Photo by kevin dooley
