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Price Skimming

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Price Skimming

By Lily Birch & Cait Abbott
Photo by 401(K) 2013

Price Skimming

  • Pricing strategy
  • Starts with a high prices and decreases over time
  • High price for a short time
  • Objective : "skim off" customers who are willing to pay more
Photo by DaveFayram


  • Allows for return on set-up costs
  • Builds high quality image for high price product
  • Effective strategy
  • Acquires maximum profit at each market segment
  • Main objective - benefit from short-term profits


  • Competitors challenging the seller's extreme price point with
  • lower-priced offerings 
  • Sales volume, limiting sales
  • Annoyed customers, change in price after they have bought it
Photo by c_ambler


  • Apple use this strategy
  • iPhone 6's (and 6+) prices will slowly decrease
  • As well as pricing with iPods and other phones