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Professional Teaching Portfolios

Published on Mar 09, 2016

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Teaching Portfolios

Why and how you should use one 
Photo by chunghow33

Preparing for your interview is important!

  • Look up interview questions on-line and draft your responses
  • Make a list of popular education "buzz words" and practice using them in conversations
  • Review the school's website and be familiar with their large initiatives
  • Assemble a professional teaching portfolio

Your Portfolio doesn't need to be fancy

  • A well organized manilla folder will do the trick
  • Your portfolio is your professional "brag-book"
  • A work-in-progress you will continue to revise throughout your teaching career

Why create a teaching portfolio?

  • A teaching portfolio should help you develop, clarify, and reflect on your teaching philosophy, methods, and preferred pedagogies
  • Present teaching credentials
  • Document professional development
  • Identify areas of improvement
  • Prepare for an interview

What should be included in your portfolio?

  • The ideas and objectives that inform your teaching
  • Student Work!
  • Examples of your best lessons for each subject you teach
  • Pictures of you teaching a great lesson
  • Your teaching credentials and test scores (if awesome!)

What NOT to include in your portfolio

  • Just barely passing test scores
  • Lesson plans
  • Prepared worksheets
  • Negative reviews
  • "Canned" lessons

General Guidelines

  • Start Now!
  • Give a fair and accurate representation of yourself
  • Be selective in which materials you use
  • Make sure every piece of evidence in your portfolio is accompanied by some sort of context and explanation
  • Be organized!

How to use a portfolio

  • Don't ask if the interviewer wants to see your portfolio - they don't
  • Use your portfolio as a prop during an interview
  • When asked how you would teach certain subject, 1) describe your teaching philosophy, 2) use the artifacts in your portfolio as examples that demonstrate your teaching