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Programming and Coding in the Elementary Classroom

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Programming and Coding in the Elementary Classroom

Photo by kjarrett

Popular Coding and Programming Websites

Two of the most popular websites for teaching coding that I came across in my research were code.org, and scratch. These two websites were mentioned by almost every article I read, and were recommended by several teachers. Both websites teach students programming logic through fun games, and activities.


Code.org Review


Scratch Review:
Photo by abg_colegio

Other Coding Tools

  • Tynker
  • Lightbot
  • Codespark
While Code.org, and Scratch seem to be the most popular avenues for teaching coding, there some other websites and apps that are versatile and have good reviews are Tynker, Lightbot, and Codespark.

Tynker: https://www.tynker.com/
Lightbot: https://lightbot.com/
Codespark: http://codespark.org/

An additional list of websites and apps that are useful for coding:

Photo by ashkyd

Making Coding More Diverse

  • Black Girls Code
  • Tech Girls
  • Made with Code
There are many resources online to help engage girls and students of color in coding, and show them that they are capable of coding, too.

Black Girls Code:

Tech Girls:

Made with Code:

Photo by ASBIndia1

Standards and Coding

  • Coding aligns with CCSS standards from various subjects.
One might think that using coding and programming in the classroom only aligns with math or technology standards, but coding can be used to meet standards in multiple subjects from art to English.

The Foos Hour of Code Curriculum is linked to the CCSS: http://thefoos.com/hourofcode/curriculum/Full_Curriculum.pdf

The CCSS and Coding:
Photo by soonerpa

Examples of how coding can be integrated:

  • Science: Animating volcanos erupting
  • English: If-then sentences, animating a scene
  • Art: Drawing a picture
  • History: Showing historical statistics
Photo by superkimbo

Why is coding important?

  • Student creation
  • 21st century skills
  • Problem solving
  • It's engaging!
Coding is about more than just helping students write code, or even teaching other subjects. It gives them the tech skills that they will need later in life as well as give them skills that are applicable to all subjects and all parts of life, like problem solving, and using creativity.

Articles about the benefits of teaching coding:


Photo by falequin