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Project 10

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  • Victim means one who is targeted for persecution or death by another.
  • Examples
  • Jews
  • Non-Jewish people.
Photo by paraclafilms


  • Bystander means one who is present at an event or who knows about its occurrence without participating in it.
  • Examples
  • German people
  • Kids
  • People from other countries watching this happen.
  • Nazis
Photo by Jaro Larnos


  • Perpetrator means someone who does something that is morally wrong criminal.
  • Examples
  • Nazis
  • German officer
  • Gangs
  • Non-Jewish people
Photo by Andrew Oliver


  • Collaborator means the act of working jointly.
  • Examples
  • German officers
  • Gangs
  • German slaves
  • Non-Jewish people.
Photo by Connor Tarter


  • Partisans means forces that use guerrilla tactics when when operating in enemy-occupied territory.
  • Examples
  • Gangs to save Jews.
  • Non-Jewish people taking action.
  • Other countries taking action.
Photo by lyman erskine