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Project Adventure

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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Project Adventure

By Greg Carlson

Contributing to Cooperative Games

These two pictures show me being caught as the "murderer" in a game we played. In this game, you had to be really observant to see if anyone was acting different and giving any clues that thy were the murderer. I was caught because I'm not he best at winking, and Rob and Nicole picked up on that.

Contributing to Cooperative Games

Contributing to Group Challenges

This picture shows me being carried through the spider web during one of the group challenges (I don't know why the picture is upside down, that's just what happened when it was uploaded). In this challenge, I helped to people through the web and made suggestions to the group so that everyone could get through. The goal of this challenge was to get everyone through the web by working together and maybe having to stretch out of their comfort zones.

Contributing to the Success of Others

This picture shows Ron and I climbing the hang beams. With this climb, you really have to work as a team to get up to the top of the climb. We had to use each other to boost ourselves to the next level until we made it to the top. Ron and I came up with a good strategy and got up there in a pretty good time.

Participating on a Belay Team

In this picture, I am belaying someone who is climbing the cargo net. It was my job to keep the rope tight as the person climbed, and also to make sure the climber does not fall if he or she were to slip. It's the most important job on the belay team because the safety of the person is literally in your hands. You really need to pay attention and know what you're doing to do it.


In this picture, I am climbing the rock wall outside on the tower. The goal of this was to try to get to the top of the tower. Sadly, I did not make it all the way up there, but I did make it half way. Rock walls are not my strong suit, so i was pleased to make it up as far as I did.

Most Proud of...

Climbing up the hanging beams with Ron was the thing that I was most proud of out of everything I did in project adventure. At many points in the climb, I wanted to stop and fall away, but that didn't happen. We stuck it out and made it. We worked really well together in getting up there, and we helped each other out along the way. I would say it was the most difficult climb I have ever done, and it was the best feeling when I made it to the top with Ron.

Reflective Essay

Project Adventure was a lot of fun. Doing the games, challenges, and climbs helped us as a class to come together. The activities in Project Adventure related to everyday life situations because shows that you need to work together, communicate, and listen to everything people say to get things done.
Working together is very important in everyday life situations. When you work together, you are able to create difficult job a lot easier, and even make the performance of the job that much better. When there's a team job and everyone does their specific job, things end up going well. Communication is also relates to everyday situations. Plans need to be discussed before doing them. This is to make sure that there are no errors or flaws in your plan. When communication is good, everyone will understand what's going on. And finally. listening to everyone's ideas and thoughts. This goes with communication. People need to listen to everyone's ideas because you never know who will have a good one. You think that a person might not have a good idea, but you will never know until you listen.
This is how cooperation, communication, and being open to new ideas are three ways that the activities in Project Adventure.