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Hello! Dominick Apodaca, pleasure to meet you.

Project Compassion

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Hello! Dominick Apodaca, pleasure to meet you.


My name is Dominick Apodaca, I am a Junior and 1st year DECA student at Highland High School.
Photo by Ally Mauro


  • Historic Background Project Compassion
  • Highland High DECA
  • Purpose of the Project and Goals
  • My Rationale
  • Benefits of the Project
  • Project Management
  • Project Implementation
  • Results
  • Evaluation & Recommendation
Today we will cover the

Historic Background
Highland High Deca
The Purpose of my project
My rationale for my selection
Benefits of the project
Project Management and Implementation
and finally some exciting results.
Photo by Valentina_A


Some background on the Empower Anti-Violence Club...

Started in 2007 by Ryan Vigil, he immediately held an Anti-Gun Violence Pledge to kick off the club, and gained over 200 signatures...

that very same evening he was shot to death in a drive-by shooting.

The club went silent and our school was deeply affected by the tragedy.


The Barrett House is a local homeless shelter for women and children.

Each year they serve 22 thousand meals and provide 7 thousand bed nights.

They also offer a transitioning program to make families self-sufficient.


The S.A.F.E. House is a shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence.

They provide a hiding place for 1,000 families each year while providing counseling and other services to help them break the cycle of violence.


On any given day there are an estimated 1500 – 3,000 homeless on Albuquerque Streets. The demand is 3 times the available beds.

Albuquerque’s poverty level is ranked 5th highest in the United States.


DECA started at Highland in 1965 with 15 Students
Today we have 265 Students

DECA is the Largest and Most Successful Group at Highland

We have produced 26 State Winners and 1 Scholarship Winner


  • Spreading Compassion In My Community
  • Inspire My Peers To Do The Same
  • Raise Donations For Shelters And Homeless
  • Have 4 Successful Events
  • Involve 20 Classmates
My purpose of the project was to give back to the community by spreading compassion. More importantly I wanted to inspire others to do the same.

My goals were to raise donations for the shelters, hold 4 successful community events and get at least 20 classmates to join me in service to the community.


My rational for this project was inspired by my Grandmother, Maria Padilla and Mother, Maria Cruz.

They instilled in me the importance of be grateful for what I have and to give back through community service.

I hoped to teach my peers to do and feel the same.


I demonstrated leadership development through project management and delegation of tasks, while holding to a measurable milestone.

Throughout this project social intelligence was demonstrated by our team of project managers stepping up to a leadership role themselves and connecting with community resources.

Through community service all involved gained a better understanding of needs in the community and what compassion truly is.


When I first set out to host an event I put together a list of responsibilities and assigned a specific person to head each task.

I had assigned each task and chairperson a deadline; I then held weekly meetings for progress updates leading up to the event.

At some points I had to remove responsibilities from underperforming members, but did so in such a way to not alienate any volunteers.

Overall I feel that my initial selections of volunteers and resources matched well with the tasks identified for each event which led to very successful results.


I would like to brief you on the various projects that I was able to organize and by the end share some exciting results.

Bring Back Empower club

I brought back the Highland Empower Anti-Violence Club. I drafted a constitution and began recruitment.

Empower is now the most active club in our school. We share the message of different types of violence that our peers may witness or face personally, and how they can break the cycle to end the violence.


Empower gave a 15-minuet presentation on the dangers of Teen Dating Violence and described the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships before the entire student body.

We enlisted the help of Emmy-Award Winning Producer Chris Schueller. When the assembly concluded, we distributed fact cards with crisis contact information.

Anti-Gun Violence Pledge

Another event that Empower held was an Anti-Gun Violence Pledge.

I set a goal of collecting 200 signatures. I was able to collect 147 signatures between the Homecoming Rally and Tailgate before getting shut down by APS Athletics.

Long story short there was a misunderstanding, but ultimately I missed my goal.

I did later receive an apology letter from Mr. Barreras at the district level, but I was left with a feeling of failure.

Anti-Gun Violence Walk

So, I held an Anti-Gun Violence Walk.

I enlisted the help of Nicole Chavez, the mother of Jaydon Chavez-Silver who was killed in a drive-by shooting.

We marketed the event on Twitter and on the Community Calendar of our local newspaper, and caught the attention of 2 local news stations.

My goal was to have 50 people walk with us, we had 77!

I was able to gain the remaining signatures needed to hit my pervious goal on the anti-gun violence pledge.

Toy Drive for Shelter Children

As the holidays came around I decided to hold a toy drive for children that are in hiding at a domestic violence shelter.

I set a goal of collecting 50 toys, made flyers and posted them around the school and by the time school let out for Winter Break we had collected 98 toys!

I had Empower Officers join me to deliver the toys to the S.A.F.E. House on December 23rd, and the shelter was so happy since this year they had hardly received any gifts to distribute to the children.

Taking the Message to Elementary and Middle Schools

We had gained so much positive attention in our school that we decided to take our message to our Future Hornets.

Like my mom always says “An Ounce of Prevention Is Greater Than A Pound Of Cure”.

I figured if we could take our message out sooner the audience may be more receptive.

Join Community Schools Council

A call went out to students, staff and the community to join the Highland Community Schools Council.

I was 1 of only 3 students that stepped up.

Through discussions I found that Highland has the greatest drop out rate between Freshman and Sophomore years.

We needed to figure out a way to turn that around…

Start iLEAD Mentorship Program

Recruiting Now

I suggested that we start a new Mentorship Group (iLEAD) that buddies up upperclassmen with incoming Freshmen and new Transfer students.

The goal is to have 100 Big Buddies recruited, and trained by the first day of the the next school year.

This project will focus on introducing new students to the culture, clubs, and sports available.

The more engaged they are the more successful they will be.

Peer Tutoring -College and Career Diner

Another part of the Community Schools Project is to hold a College and Career Diner where tutoring is available. I am one of the tutors…I also help serve the dinner.
Photo by deserttrumpet

Food Pantry for
Highland High Families and Community

Monthly a Food Pantry is set up for student families and community members in need of assistance with food.

I help organize the unloading of the semi-truck, staging of the food and distribution to the families.

During the December Food Pantry I was able to pull in my baseball team to assist, along with another 40+ volunteers, we were able to distribute 2,864 pounds of food.

Crisis Support for Fellow APS Schools

Unfortunately, tragedy through violence has stuck the schools that are in our immediate area.

The elementary school that my little sister attends had 3 students die due to domestic gun violence.

When I found out, I immediately made a banner to show that Highland supported Manzano Mesa, I then had students sign the banner at lunch.

I delivered the banner the next day along with some Krispy Kreme Donuts for the Crisis Team Counselors that were on site to help the children and staff through their grief.

We followed up by donating 500 candles and attending the candlelight vigil.

Blood Donation at Highland

Another thing that I have been doing since I turned 16 is giving blood at the mobile blood drives at Highland.

I have given enough times that I have earned a cord at graduation.

Feeding the Homeless in the Streets

As I wrote about in my written presentation my family has been feeding the homeless in the streets since before I was born.

This is something that I have always done.

I decided that this year we would include any volunteers from Highland that wanted to serve. I had 20 students and 1 teacher join me.

What I was more proud of was the respect that my peers showed the homeless, we held conversations with them.

Originally I had a goal to serve 100 meals, but with donations was able to serve over 250.

Staff a Therapeutic Holiday Party for the Disabled

Known for our community service Empower was asked to staff a holiday party for over 1400 people with disabilities.

Of course, we agreed.

We decorated 150 tables, set-up and served the refreshments, and mingled with the guests.

I was able to get 18 volunteers there while on Winter Break.

Toiletries and Clothing Drive for Homeless

Near the end of the holiday season and up until my DECA project was due, I decided to place a “Giving Tree” at my church.

I hung tags with different items on each tag, some socks, some shirts, some underwear.

I collected gifts until December 23rd and on December 24th I hit the streets with some friends to distribute the items.

I set a goal of 200 toiletries and 200 clothing items. What we collected was 789 toiletries and 587 clothing items.

It changes your perspective on gifts for holidays, when what we might want is the newest shoe or gaming system, yet the homeless would rather have an extra pair of socks instead of another shirt.

Adopt a Somalian Refugee Family for the Holidays

Finally our family adopted a Somalian Refugee Family for Christmas.

Through a community service project to furnish a empty home we met the family.

The youngest, a classmate of my little sister wore handmade shoes from her home country.

The family of 5, a single mother with 4 children, had only the clothes on their back when they were shipped to the United States.

My family decided to buy all members a winter coat and a give the a new pair of shoes...they were so happy that even the language barrier couldn’t stop them from thanking us.


To quickly recap my goals throughout Project Compassion, I wanted to hold 4 events, get 20 people to volunteer to help, serve 1 hundred meals and collect 4 hundred 50 items for donation.


The Results:

We were able to hold 18 events (450% of goal),

Engage 1 hundred 8 Volunteers (540% of goal),

Serve 2 hundred 50 meals (250% of goal) and

collect 1 thousand 4 hundred 74 items though donations (328% of goal).

Since the submission of my written project I have had some additional success.

I have helped to launch Empower at Manzano High School,

I have been asked to go to the Roundhouse to lobby before State Legislators for changes to violent crime laws,

I have been invited to join the NM group to March Against Child Abuse in Washington D.C. where I will speak,

and most recently I was nominated for the United States Presidential Service Award for Community Service.


After every project I held a debrief with each chairperson for the event and developed 2 lists,

1 for Best Practices and

1 for Needs Improvement.

With each new event we got better and applied what we had done well and changed what we found didn’t work.

Until I went back to data I had no idea how much we had accomplished.

Of Course I hope to do well at this State Competition, and perhaps move on the Nationals Competition, however it would only be to validate the accomplishments that many of us had.


Me: Gratification

Peers: Service

Community: Acceptance and Assistance

The impact of the project on me has been complete gratification. Seeing the feeling of service that my peers have felt and how accepting and helpful the community has been has helped me to realize that a little good can go a long way.


Time Management

Utilize Community Resources

Additional Marketing

Delegation of Tasks

Some areas where I can continue to improve is Time Management by not duplicating efforts,

Utilizing Community Resources by seeking assistance from those who have come before me,

Additional Marketing, by being more active on social media to spread the word more and have my team use social media as well,

and Delegation of Tasks by not trying to control everything and letting other learn by trial and error.
Photo by ccPixs.com

To learn more or to volunteer contact:
Dominick Apodaca

  • Twitter: @DominickA
  • Snapchat: @Dom
  • Instagram: @Dom
This concludes my presentation on Project Compassion, I would be happy to field any questions that you may have.

Thank you!
Photo by mkhmarketing

Dominick Apodaca

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